Salam Aidiladha saya ucapkan kepada semua Umat Islam di dunia. Moga ALLAH memberi limpah kurnia dan dimurahkan rezeki hendaknya. AMIN.
Ampun maaf dipinta andai ada tersilap kata dan perbuatan.
This blog is the right choices for all people in the world to search interesting and find facts and some information which can not be find in any other websites.
Salam Aidiladha saya ucapkan kepada semua Umat Islam di dunia. Moga ALLAH memberi limpah kurnia dan dimurahkan rezeki hendaknya. AMIN.
Ampun maaf dipinta andai ada tersilap kata dan perbuatan.
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Memang sangat berpatutan. Macam best je
Apakah anda sedia untuk mengetahui apa yang kemaluan anda yang menunjukkan berkenaan diri anda?
Walau apa pun yang orang lelaki mendakwa atau bercakap besar, namun kemaluan dialah yang akan menyatakan segalanya!KEMALUAN ANDA PANJANG ATAU PENDEK?
Anda panjang atau pendek? Anda mesti ikhlas! Gunakan kayu pembaris kalau perlu. Jika kurang daripada 3" bererti pendek, kalau lebih daripada 3" bererti panjang.
bererti anda memang suka menunjuk-nunjuk! Anda mudah belajar cara baru dan berseronok mencuba. Jika anda panjang lagi bererti anda suka menciptakan cara baru!
bererti anda kurang yakin pada diri anda sendiri pada mulanya, tetapi sekali lagi anda memulakannya, anda boleh berupaya. Anda seorang yang bermimpi-mimpian dan romantik, anda boleh mengejutkan semua orang bila anda hilang sabar dan kepada budi. Anda suka mengikut adat.
Anda mempunyai daya khayalan yang tinggi dan sungguh mempunyai keazaman dan kekuatan untuk mengkagumkan.
Jika lagi tebal di dasar kemaluan bererti anda utamakan kebebasan.
Anda seorang sensitif dan boleh mengeluarkan perasaan anda dengan senang. Kehalusan dan mutu sesuatu yang penting bagi anda.
Anda seorang kekasih yang intuitif! Anda juga sering mengikut perasaan namum pamdai menyesuaikan dengan perubahan dengan senang. Anda pandai menilai keindahan.
Anda suka suka membuat sesuatudengan cara berfikir terlebih dahulu dan sering berwaspada. Anda memikirkan sesuatu dengan logik akal.
Satu atau dua bengkul besar menyatakan bahawa anda seorang kekasih yang sering membuat pasangan anda berada dalam kepayahan.
Walau bagaimana pun anda idealistik dan artistik di perhubungan, agak sukar untuk anda bersenang-lenang dan lepaskan kebebasan anda.
Jika anda panjang dan kurus juga, anda seorang kekasih yang mementingkan diri sendiri!
Anda kekasih praktik yang suka menunjukkan rasa cinta dengan perbuatan bukannya perkataan.
Kehendak seksual anda begitu kuat! Cergas, luar biasa dan bersifat menawan.
bererti dalam hal berkenaan dengan seks dan cinta, anda seorang pemberi. Anda seorang yang suka bercerita tentang seks diri anda sendiri begitu juga halnya dengan orang lain yang anda mahu mereka bercerita tentang hal seks mereka juga.
Dalam hal berkenaan dengan seks dan cinta, anda seorang pembawa, bukan seorang pemberi. Anda lebih suka menyimpan cerita seks anda secara rahsia.
KEMALUAN BENGKOK TEPATAnda tajam akal tetapi anda seorang yang gatal. Anda menipu, jika begitu anda dapat apa yang anda mahu.
Kalau anda mempunyai kemaluan panjang yang melengkung bengkok, bererti anda seorang yang tidak boleh dipercayai dalam hal berkenaan dengan nafsu dan cinta.
Kalau anda mempunyai kemaluan pendek yang melengkung bengkok, bererti anda kerapkali cemas dengan kemampuan seks anda.
Kalau kemaluan anda bengkok di pangkalnya, anda selalu bahawa anda orang luar. Anda berasa bahawa semua orang lain mempunyai hidup senang walau bagaimanapun berusaha untuk berjaya.BULU JARANG ATAU LEBAT?
Kesukaan seksual anda halus sekali tetapi kehendak seksual anda naik turun. Oleh sebab anda segan, anda perlu banyak keyakinan.
LEBATAnda begitu bertenaga di bilik tidur. Perlakuan seks anda agak kasar.
Anyway jgn la serious sgt... layan kan jerk lapangkan kepala tue..!!! PharmiaPenis di pharmialabs.blogspot.comSalam,
Pernah tak korang main permainan ini. Best wooo.. Tapi sekadar hiburan dikala boring boleh la. Ala macam SOS tu. Ada pangkah bulat tu...
Apa lagi jom berentap bersama saya di sini.
Tip menyelamatkan diri ketika kebakaran
1. Sesetengah ibu bapa lebih suka membiarkan pintu bilik tidur anak-anak terbuka ketika tidur dengan alasan mudah mengawasi dan mendengar suara anak . Namun, tindakan itu hanya menyebabkan api, asap dan haba cepat merebak ke dalam bilik berkenaan jika berlaku kebakaran. Oleh itu, anda digalakkan menutup pintu semua bilik supaya mempunyai lebih masa untuk menyelamatkan diri.
2. Kebanyakan rumah kediaman tidak mempunyai pintu rintangan api, jadi berhati-hati ketika membuka pintu. Jika terperangkap di dalam bilik semasa kebakaran, anda dinasihatkan merasai kehangatan daun pintu, tombol dan bingkai pintu dengan menggunakan belakang tangan sebelum membuka pintu. Jika terasa panas jangan buka pintu sebaliknya cari jalan alternatif.
3. Jika daun pintu tidak panas, anda dinasihatkan supaya melutut dan melekapkan bahu ke daun pintu terlebih dulu sebelum membuka pintu secara perlahan-lahan dan berhati-hati. Tindakan itu perlu bagi mengelakkan serbuan lidah api dan asap yang biasanya memenuhi bahagian atas ruang.
4. Jika haba dan asap mula memasuki bilik, tutup pintu rapat-rapat dan turut semua ruang atau lubang di bawah pintu dengan menggunakan tuala, cadar, selimut dan apa saja yang terdapat di dalam bilik berkenaan.
5. Jika laluan utama dihalang dengan api dan asap, anda boleh berusaha menyelamatkan diri melalui tingkap. Sebelum membuka tingkap, pastikan pintu bilik tertutup rapat bagi mengelakkan api merebak.
6. Sekiranya berada ditingkat satu cuba turun dengan cara yang selamat bagi mengelakkan kecederaan, keluarkan kaki dan cuba rendahkan diri lalu keluar melalui tingkap secara membelakang. Bergayut seketika pada sisi tingkap dan kemudian terjun.
7. Anak-anak boleh dikeluarkan dengan cara menghulurkan mereka ke bawah jika ada orang yang membantu. Jika tiada, cuba turunkan anak anda ke paras bawah sejauh mungkin dengan berhati-hati. Jangan terjun dulu dan meninggalkan anak-anak dengan tanggapan mereka akan mengikut anda, mungkin anak-anak enggan terkejut dan kemungkinan mereka tidak dapat diselamatkan.
8. Jika terperangkap dan anda berada di tingkat bawah, di nasihatkan supaya membuka tingkap sedikit di bahagian atas dan bawah bagi membolehkan asap keluar melalui bahagian atas dan udara bersih masuk di bahagian bawah.
9. Tutup ruang di bawah pintu dengan cadar, selimut, tuala bagi mengelakkan asap masuk ke ruang bilik. Jika ada telefon di dalam bilik, hubungi bomba dan jiran terdekat dan maklumkan kedudukan anda untuk memudahkan kerja menyelamat. Beri isyarat dengan berdiri berhampiran tingkap atau gunakan lampu picit atau kibarkan kain berwarna putih, terang supaya mudah dikesan.
10. Ketika kebakaran, udara panas dan asap akan memenuhi ruang atas dan gas beracun turun ke lantai manakala udara bersih di zon selamat untuk bernafas adalah satu hingga dua kaki (30 hingga 60 sentimeter) dari paras lantai.
11. Apabila asap memenuhi ruang, cara terbaik menyelamatkan diri adalah dengan merangkak dan kepala berada di zon selamat.
12. Jika pakaian terbakar, jangan berlari sebaliknya rebahkan badan, tutup muka dan berguling di lantai bagi memadamkannya. Apabila nampak orang lain terbakar, rebahkan mereka dan tutup dengan kain selimut atau guni basah bagi memadamkan kebakaran. : Tips, kebakaran
Zooomr : Tips, kebakaran
Flickr : Tips, kebakaran
Kalaulah seseorang dah merokok, apa halangan sekalipun mereka tidak akan lupakan bahan itu. Keluar fakta yang mengatakan rokok itu bahaya, rokok naik harga pun, mereka tidak akan berhenti dengan mudah. Perokok bukan sahaja membahayakan diri sendiri, juga membahayakan orang sekelilingnya yang menghidu asap rokok terbabit. Setiap batang rokok yang dinyalakan akan mengeluarkan lebih 4,000 bahan kimia beracun yang membahayakan. Racun yang paling penting adalah Tar, Nikotin dan Karbon Monoksida. Nasib baik saya tidak terjebak dengan kegiatan ini.
Disebabkan itu, perokok bolehlah bertukar kepada rokok yang berelektronik. Pelik bukan, rokok pun boleh dibuat secara elektronik. Jadi ia bolehlah dikatakan sebagai gajet rokok elektronik. Rokok elektronik atau dikenali E-cigarette adalah produk berteknologi tinggi yang dihasilkan untuk perokok merokok dengan lebih selamat. Rokok elektronik tidak memiliki kandungan tar, karbon monoksida dan bahan kimia yang menyebabkan kanser.
Rokok elektronik tidak memerlukan pemetik api untuk di hidupkan. Perokok hanya perlu menghisap rokok elektronik dan secara automatik komponen elektronik didalamnya akan dihidupkan. Kelebihannya adalah perokok boleh menghisap rokok elektronik ini di mana-mana sahaja kerana ia tidak mengeluarkan asap yang merbahaya. Malahan boleh juga menghisap di kawasan larangan merokok kerana belum ada kawasan untuk larangan merokok rokok elektronik.
Technorati : Rokok, elektronik : Rokok, elektronik
Zooomr : Rokok, elektronik
Flickr : Rokok, elektronik
"Kurang ajar" itulah tanggapan pertama terhadap pembuat tattoo ini. Sengaja membuat kontroversi dengan memainkan isu sensitif. Kalau ada batu dah kena hempuk ni...penghinaan yang nyata. Moga Allah memberi petunjuk kepadanya. Aminn
Blackwood's Distilleries telah memperkenalkan Diva Vodka, minuman keras termahal sedunia. Harga : $ 450.000
Harganya sangat mahal karena botolnya dibuat dengan kristal Swarovski dan berlian. Bila vodka dituangkan,cairan tsb akan tersaring oleh berlian2 itu
Technorati : Minuman keras, dunia, paling mahal : Minuman keras, dunia, paling mahal
Zooomr : Minuman keras, dunia, paling mahal
Flickr : Minuman keras, dunia, paling mahal
I am Peter Stuyvesant
I have two friends, Benson and Hedges
I came from the city of Marlboro,
In the Salem high country
I Always carry a Mild Seven
I rode on a White Horse
Going to Kingsway in Kent
It was Lucky Strike I fell in love
With the daughter of Master Duke
Her name was YSL
We got married by Perillys , the priest
We checked in at the house of Dunhill
And booked into room number 555
I laid her on the bed made of Gold Leaf
I played with her two Matterhorns
When I poked in my Rothmans King Size
She cried in delight, "You are a Rough Rider!!!"
You are riding like a mad Camel
When I asked her if she is satisfied
She answered" I want MORE!!!!"
Then suddenly she turned around and asked me if I want to
enter her Gudang Garam.
She said to SAAT... depan belakang puas, barulah
Technorati : 18SX : 18SX
Zooomr : 18SX
Flickr : 18SX
Written by: by Jason Collett, 2003-11-09
What title-deeds do the Jews of today actually have to the land of 'Israel'? The idea that a people can possess some kind of ethnic ancestral right to a territory supposedly vacated by their forebears some millenia previously, implying a right in perpetuity, can have no legal basis. Or otherwise Americans of European ancestry, to name just one group of people, will have to pack their bags.
According to Dr Alfred Lilienthal in his book The Zionist Connection , "The Jewish population of Palestine [what is now Israel and the occupied territories, the West Bank and Gaza] at the time of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 was a mere 7 percent of the 700,000 inhabitants. The rest were Muslim and Christian Arabs. At the time of the (US-dominated UN) partition vote in 1947 there were only 650,000 Jews in Palestine while there were 1.3 million indigenous Palestinian Arabs, either Christian or Muslim. Under the partition plan, 56% of Palestine was given for a Zionist state to people who constituted 33% of the population and owned about 6% of the land. These UN figures have never been in dispute."
But there is a further issue, which also (yet again!) demonstrates the fundamentally questionable foundations of Zionism.
Jews are actually not even the modern descendents of the Israel of the Biblical Old Testament:
According to both the early-20th-century popular historian H.G.Wells and the Hungarian-Jewish intellectual and author Arthur Koestler, amongst numerous others, the people known today as Jews are primarily the descendents of a Turkish tribe known as the Khazars. The Khazars have no historical connection to Palestine. They converted to Judaism between 620 and 740AD, and have no genetic connection to biblical Israel, and hence to the narratives of the Bible and the "Holy Land". Koestler actually devoted an entire book called The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) to the fact that the Jews of eastern European origin, who are known as the Ashkenazi Jews and who make up about 95% of the Jewish population of today, are of Khazar origin. In other words - virtually all of the Jews of the modern world have no Hebrew ancestry, and no ancient connection with Palestine.
Does it matter? Does world peace matter? Do the human rights of a violently oppressed people matter? Does anything but sport and television sitcoms matter?
Arthur Koestler was by no means the first to draw attention to this particular issue. He quotes from 20th-century works on the subject by, amongst others, Professors A.N.Poliak of Tel Aviv University, D.M. Dunlop of Columbia University in New York, and J.B. Bury of Cambridge University. The courageous Jewish anti-Zionist commentator Dr Alfred Lilienthal raised the issue 50 years ago and has continued to do so for decades. In fact, the famous H.G.Wells in the early 1920s in his popular Outline of History described the Jews as "a Turkish people" and stated that "[to the] Jewish Khazars ... are to be ascribed the great settlements of Jews in Poland and Russia" (Chap. XXXII:8) and "The main part of Jewry never was in Judea, and never came out of Judea" (XXIX:1).
Lord Moyne, the British secretary of state in Cairo, declared on June 9, 1942, in the House of Lords that the Jews were not the descendants of the ancient Hebrews and that they had no "legitimate claim" on the Holy Land. A proponent of curtailing immigration into Palestine, he was accused of being "an implacable enemy of Hebrew independence." (Isaac Zaar, Rescue and Liberation: America's Part in the Birth of Israel, New York: Bloch, 1954, p. 115).
On November 6, 1944, Lord Moyne was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Stern Gang led by Yitzak Shamir, latter to become premier of Israel. (This assassination was not unique in the history of Zionism. In September 1948 Count Folke Bernadotte, appointed by the UN as mediator between the Zionist settlers in Palestine and the native Palestinians, was murdered on orders from the same Yitzhak Shamir. Count Bernadotte was the head of the Swedish Red Cross and had risked his life to save thousands of Jews from German concentration camps. This set a precedent and encouragement for the Zionist use of assassination as a convenient political instrument, which the US and European governments have in effect condoned since then.)
Much old documentary evidence exists on the subject of the Khazars dating from the ninth and tenth centuries and earlier - from Arab, Byzantine, Hebrew, Russian and other sources. The conversion of the Khazars to Judaism is described in the so-called 'Khazar Correspondence' dating from the tenth century between Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, the Jewish chief minister of the Caliph of Cordoba in Spain, and Joseph, the king of the Khazars. In this the king traces the ancestry of his people not to Shem, father of the Semites, but to Japheth, Noah's third son. The Book of Genesis (10:2,3) itself also describes Ashkenaz as a descendent of Japheth, rather than Shem. In other words, the Jews are not a Semitic people, but their contempt for the Arab world and their bitter and violent war of dispossession against the Palestinian Arabs could be termed anti-Semitic.
The Khazars were formerly well known as a powerful people who, at their peak, 'controlled or exacted tribute from some 30 different nations and tribes' (Koestler), and were the supreme masters of the southern half of eastern Europe for more than a century. The Caspian Sea is still known today in Arabic as Bahr-ul-Khazar, 'the Khazar Sea'. These people controlled trade on the Dnieper, the Don and Volga Rivers between the Swedish Vikings, known as the Rus (the founders of Russia) in the north, and Byzantium-Constantinople (capital of the Eastern Roman Empire), Persia and Arabia in the south. The extent of trade along these rivers is indicated by the very large number of Arab coins, approximately 50,000 found, strangely enough, in Sweden and dating from Viking times.
After their conversion to 'Judaism', a religion based primarily on the teachings of the Pharisees and the Talmud, the Khazars adopted circumcision and became known as the 'Jewish Khazars' and then later simply as 'Jews'. Before the conversion, the 'Jewish' population of the entire region was sparse; afterwards, understandably, it suddenly became large. Writing in the 10th century, the Muslim chronicler Muqaddasi says 'In Khazaria, sheep, honey and Jews exist in large quantities' (Koestler p. 43).
After being defeated by the Rus around 965 AD, the power of the Khazars waned, and a gradual migration commenced westwards and northwestwards into Eastern Europe - the Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Lithuania. Koestler shows that Yiddish (the former Jewish lingua franca of eastern Europe which is classed as a German dialect) developed not in Germany but in Poland as an amalgam of German, Hebrew and Slavonic (Russian and Polish) - the strong German basis of the language being the result of the German social and cultural prominence in the main cities of Poland in medieval times (Koestler Chapt. VII:3). Hebrew itself was only used for liturgical and rabbinic-scholastic purposes, not for everyday communication. No archaeological or other evidence exists of the use in biblical times of the six-pointed 'star of David', the emblem of the Ashkenazi Jews and the Israeli state, and the yarmulke, the skullcap worn by Jewish males, likewise has no biblical foundation. So neither the use of Hebrew nor the star of David nor the wearing of the yarmulke indicate any historical connection with the territory. Koestler says: "The historical evidence ... indicates that the bulk of Eastern Jewry - and hence of world Jewry - is of Khazar-Turkish, rather than Semitic, origin" (p. 175).
This of course poses various interesting questions on many issues, including that of the violent and manipulative Jewish takeover of Palestine during the last century. The reason these questions are not asked is that the story of the Khazar conversion is generally so little known. The academic, church and media establishments generally have shown no interest in correcting such an awkward and fundamental misperception, the source of so much suffering and spilt blood. They consider the issue to be unimportant or potentially dangerous in spite of the shocking human-rights outrages that the mainly Khazar-descended 'Israelis' and their Khazar-descended international Zionist supporters have perpetrated against the native people in Palestine over the last century.
Is there any doubt about the issue?
The British journalist Douglas Reed, former chief Central European correspondent of the Times, in 1950 wrote "The Eastern European Zionists are not Semites (though the Arabs are), have no semitic blood, and their remote forefathers never trod Palestinian earth."
Mr Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish industrialist born in New York, wrote in the Economic Council Letter published there of October 15 1947: "These Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the Promised Land. They are the direct descendants of the people of the Khazar Kingdom. The Khazars were a non-semitic, Turko-Mongolian tribe."
Mr Freedman was challenged, unwisely, by a Zionist objector. He invited his challenger to go with him to the Jewish Room of the New York Public Library. There they could together examine the Jewish Encyclopaedia volume I pp. 1-12, and the published works of Graetz, Dubnow, Friedlander, Raisin and many other noted Jewish historians, which, as well as other non-Jewish authorities, "establish the fact beyond all possible doubt." (Somewhere South of Suez, 1950, pp. 349-350.)
If the Khazar account is untrue, we can be sure that a swift and comprehensive rebuttal would have followed Koestler's book and Lilienthal's long-standing allegations, let alone those of H.G.Wells. Can anyone name the book or books in which such a rebuttal appeared?
To confuse the Jews of today with the Hebrews of the Bible is like believing that the Cherokee 'Indians' not only follow the Hindu religion but will eventually return in triumph to the valley of the sacred Ganges.
Technorati : Jews, Palestine, Zionist : Jews, Palestine, Zionist
Zooomr : Jews, Palestine, Zionist
Flickr : Jews, Palestine, Zionist
Pernah dengar Catch Ini adalah ruangan untuk anda menderma dan klik iklan dan anda akan dapat komisen berdasarkan jumlah klik dan tajaan. Cubalah.
Technorati : Duit, Pendapatan, Percuma : Duit, Pendapatan, Percuma
Zooomr : Duit, Pendapatan, Percuma
Flickr : Duit, Pendapatan, Percuma
Points to ponder | ||
Do you have a motor / life insurance policy? | ||
Have you read the terms and conditions of the policy? | ||
Did you know that you are bound by the numerous terms and condition? |
Common signs and symptoms of Mesothelioma include:
A. Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms
Some of the symptoms of pleural mesothelioma (mesothelioma cancer of the lung lining) include:
pain in the lower back or the side of the chest | |
shortness of breath | |
a persistent cough | |
difficulty swallowing food | |
fever and sweating | |
fatigue | |
weight loss. |
These symptoms are also common to many minor ailments and, therefore, may not cause a doctor to suspect mesothelioma.
B. Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms
Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma (abdominal mesothelioma - mesothelioma of the lining of the stomach) include:
stomach pain | |
nausea and vomiting | |
weight loss. |